History of the Memorial

Maurice Genevoix, veteran, chairman and founder of the Verdun Memorial

“This memorial was built by the survivors of Verdun in memory of their comrades who fell during the battle so that those who come to reflect and contemplate at the very site of their sacrifice understand the ideal and the faith that inspired and supported them.”

The origins of Verdun Memorial

The idea of a “centre for the soldiers of Verdun” emerged in the late 1930s. However, it did not come into being until the 1950s, under the impetus of the federation “Ceux de Verdun” (the Verdun veterans association) and its national president Gustave Durassié. In 1959, the Comité National du Souvenir de Verdun (CNSV - national committee for the memory of Verdun) and its chairman Maurice Genevoix agreed to play a role in the project. A site was chosen: the former station in Fleury-devant-Douaumont, a village which was declared to have “died for France”.

Maurice Genevoix’s speech
Discours de Maurice Genevoix pour l’inauguration du Mémorial de Verdun le 17 septembre 1967

The renovation of the building in 2016


Having stood for more than four decades, the building needed modernisation to repair the ravages of the passing years and refashion the museology to speak to new generations. There are no survivors left to remember their experiences of the battle of Verdun. It is therefore essential that, while respecting the spirit of their work, the Memorial adapts its message to give young people the information they need to understand this battle between France and Germany. In September 2013, the Memorial closed its doors for the extension and renovation work. This was part of a wider project including an interpretation centre, which was originally intended to be separate, at the heart of a pine forest which has now been designated an “exceptional forest” at the request of the Office National des Forêts (National Forests Office). On 21 February 2016, a larger, fully renovated Memorial opened to mark the centenary of the battle. Three months later, it was officially inaugurated by François Hollande and Angela Merkel. The new scenography aims both to impart information and to trigger emotions. It takes visitors to the heart of the Great War and the battlefield.

The project


Parties involved in the renovation


Brochet Lajus Pueyo - Architecture

In 1986, architects Olivier Brochet, Emmanuel Lajus and Christine Pueyo founded their firm, Brochet Lajus Pueyo, which they now manage. They initially became known thanks to the “Albums of Young Architecture” competition and the “40 under 40” exhibition presented at the Institut Français de l’Architecture (French architecture institute) and then by the Venice Biennale (1991), and made a name for themselves thanks to their contemporary projects on heritage buildings and the care they took to reinterpret local characteristics. Prestigious projects on which they have worked include the renovations of Musée Fabre in Montpellier (2007), Musée de l’Orangerie in Paris (2006) and Musée de l’Homme at the Palais de Chaillot in Place du Trocadéro, Paris (2015).


Agence Le Conte / Noirot - Muséographie

Christian Le Conte et Geneviève Noirot sont architectes, scénographes et muséographes. Ils œuvrent pour des musées patrimoniaux et pour la création de centres d’interprétation. Attachés à la multiplicité et à la complémentarité des démarches artistiques, ils proposent à travers leurs projets scénographiques une vision singulière des univers d’exposition et tendent à exprimer le souci des correspondances. Ils comptent parmi leurs réalisations le redéploiement complet des bronzes et des bijoux du département des AGER dans la salle La Caze au Louvre, le Musée de la carte à jouer à Issy-les-Moulineaux (1er prix européen des musées en 1999), le Mémorial Charles-de-Gaulle à Colombey-les-deux-Églises ou encore Nausicaa, le Centre national de la mer en France, classé Centre d’excellence par l’Unesco.


Agence Sources - Commissariat

Édith Desrousseaux de Medrano exerce depuis 2001 des fonctions de commissariat d’exposition. Elle a d’abord été adjointe au commissariat d’exposition au sein de la Fondation Charles de Gaulle pour le Mémorial Charles-de-Gaulle à Colombey-les-deux-Églises, puis pour une exposition temporaire « De Gaulle-Adenauer » (2008). Devenue profession libérale en 2010, avec son agence Sources, elle a ensuite travaillé à la conception et à la réalisation de l’exposition itinérante « Romain Gary présente : les compagnons de la Libération » (2010-2011). Elle s’est ensuite consacrée à la préparation de l’exposition permanente du Mémorial de Verdun depuis fin 2012.

Renovation: key dates