Mémorial de verdun

Verdun Memorial · Fort of Douaumont · Fort of Vaux

History on the field

The Battle of Verdun

The Battle of Verdun took place between 21 February and 18 December 1916 on the hills north of the town of Verdun. French and German troops fought for ten months. Verdun marked the apogee of the fighting during the Great War, and the scale and the violence of the battle have made it one of the war’s most notable events. This one event encompassed all the different aspects of the First World War, making Verdun its most emblematic place of remembrance.

Visit us

Les petits objets de la Grande Guerre
Une exposition du dessinateur Marko
de terre : voyage d’un artiste au cœur du champ de bataille
Une exposition de Thibault Lucas
No Man's Land 32. 2024. Encre sur papier. 36x51cm. © Adagp, Paris, 2025

Our collections

The Memorial displays over 2 000 objects for you