Opening times, admission and getting here


Opening times



Nutzen Sie unsere Kombitickets und besichtigen Sie die drei Hauptstätten des Schlachtfelds von Verdun zum Vorteilspreis. Unsere Kombitickets gelten ab der ersten Besichtigung für 72 Stunden.

Getting here


Verdun Memorial, Fort Douaumont and Fort Vaux are at the heart of the Verdun Battlefield, on the hills above Verdun. The Memorial was built on the site of the former station at Fleury-devant-Douaumont, a village which was destroyed during the battle.

Additional information


Membership card

Members enjoy unlimited access to three major Verdun Battlefield sites: Verdun Memorial, Fort Douaumont and Fort Vaux. The benefits of membership include not only free events but also exclusive events open to members only. As a member, you also qualify for a reduction in the shops at the three sites.