Making a donation

Since 1967, the Memorial Museum has built up its collections from the many donations it has received and even today this is still its main source of exhibits. By donating an object, photograph, document etc. you are helping to keep the collections alive. You are also helping to ensure that the Battle of Verdun is remembered and that this remembrance is passed on to future generations.

Do you have one or more interesting objects that were used during the Battle of Verdun?
Fill in the Contact form and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible.
NB: we take ammunition donations, only with a neutralisation certificate.

Thank you for your support, assistance and generosity. We hope to see you very soon at the Memorial.

Item Donation Form

Given name *

Surname *


Email *

Phone *

Address (Line 1) *

Address (Line 2)

Postcode *

Town *

Country *

Number of item(s) *

Brief description of the item(s) *

Please indicate the general condition of the item(s):

Enclose a photo of the item (4 Mb max in one of the following formats: .jpg, .png or .pdf)

If you have several images to send, please compress them in a .zip file

Your message